door tessa | 22-08-2012 @ 15:53 | Beroemdheden, Cultuur, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Dena Lyons is the new hot artist in Monaco

Dena Lyons is an artist you won’t forget easily. Her paintings are as expressive as the American beauty can be herself in the right audiance.
She opened her art exhibiton this month at cafe Quai des Artistes the harbour of Monaco. The paintings are about trees, but even more about feelings. The colours will really get to you when standing in front of the masterpieces.
Before this art project, Dena Lyons was working on portraits, what are quite interesting as well. You can see she got really inspired by the France and Monaco.
The exhibition will travel to America in october and we advice you to see it. She can become the next big thing!
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Is it too gay to pose with your cat, while you where cats ears? Karl Lagerfeld doesn`t think so as he proves on this picture published in the American edition of Harper’s Bazaar . His cat Princesse Choupette is completely spoiled, but hey, who`s complaining he treats his animal well? Anyway, the picture is cute, as is the cat. Karl knows we all love cats, cause they are funny and adorable.
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OMG Miley Cyrus, what did you do with your hair?! The girl that used to be a pretty lady, is now a little adolescence who tries to shock the world with a bad hairdo. She already put her body full of tattoos, but that was apparently not rock enough. Maybe it has to do with her boyfriend, who`s from Australia, the land of the wild. Anyway, we don`t like it (unless it`s the hair of an English model)! Grow back your hair girl or get extensions! Grow up!
By the way, she`s not the only celebrity with a bad hair day this week, take a look at Naomi Campbell. She`s becoming a bold supermodel. We feel bad for her, as she probably has some condition. Or maybe it`s just the relaxer, ask Chris.
Get well Naomi! Maybe you can get a wig of the hair Miley shaved off!
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Psy is as crazy as LMFAO
Psy is a singer from Korea (guess wich one of the two) who has been popular since 2001. His real name is Park Jae Sang and he is known for his exciting and theatric stage performances. The guy has won every imaginary award you can get in Korea. You can even say he is the Korean version of LMFAO, dressing crazy, having crazy lyrics, but still making very good music to dance on.
His new hit Gangnam Style (it`s gone viral, already watched more then 27 million times on youtube) is so catchy that it even has a chance to get popular in Europe and America. Psy dances like an horserider and it`s really funny, can`t wait to see people dance like this in the clubs! We hope so, finally some poppy influence from the far East!!
And see here the remix of LMFAO with Sexy and I know it together with Psy.
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door tessa | 10-08-2012 @ 15:15 | Cultuur, Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Folding towels into animals and arty things

Hi sexy
In Thailand they know how to please people. They even put a smile on your face by folding towels into animals and other things. After a quick search on google, it appears to be called Towel Origami. Now I’m not running to the closet to fold some towels into animals, but I did like to see it in the hotel. So wanna please your guest? Send your cleaning girls to a course of towel origami!

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door tessa | 07-08-2012 @ 12:17 | Lifestyle, Mode, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Olympic Nail art
Allthough some woman atletes look kinda manly, they still are feminin. No makeup, no dresses, so the only thing to distingues yourself is nailpolish!
The Olympic Village has a veritable pop art nail studio perched and the atletes are taking good advantage of that. The sportswomen have a choice of 207 designs, but most are going for the flag that they represent.

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- How many ….. do you want?
Before, in the old days, men would watch women’s tennis or hockey with the argument they ‘liked the sport’. But now there’s Beach Volleyball on the Olympics. No more excuses about liking the sport, everybody knows why you’re watching!
Tonight at 6pm London time China plays against USA. But the real game men are waiting for is at 9 pm, when Brasilian beachbabes will kick the hell out of America. Watch out though when you go to the official page of the Olympics, the women look like they just came out of prison!

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Not like this either, Selma Blair!
The new fashion trend amongst celebrities for this summer are shorts. But ofcourse, some artist will never get it right. They walk around in denim so short, you can see the pockets hanging out. It’s ugly and a real trashy look. Or even worse, they wear granny’s old underpants as a fashion item. So not done!
Shorts can look good, as proof celebrities on the red carpet, like Eva Longoria. You just need some good quality shorts, not the once that are torn apart. Put some high heels on and you’re good to go! So bye bye miniskirt and welcome shorts!
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door tessa | 06-08-2012 @ 16:11 | Overig | Comments Off on IN: Kings Charles dog. OUT: Chihuahua
hen was the last time we saw tinkerbell?
When you live in the city and your appartment is tiny, it’s hard to keep a dog. That’s why most people get a small one. Unfortunately Paris Hilton killed the idea that small dogs are cute, by taking her nervous chihuahua Tinkerbell everywhere. Also, breeders of chihuahua’s have been going to far, causing the little rats to have all kind of problems with their eyes and ears.
So now that Tinkerbell and friends are out of the way, the way is free for new dogs in town.
Monaco dogs
In Monaco, a place with 30.000 people on 2 square kilometres, it’s easy to tell the trend. Cavalier King Charles dogs and Pug dogs are hot! Appearently, men really like the pug dogs, cause they think he’s funny.
The King Charles is a royal dog, that’s easy going and beautiful. Some of them even have their own facebookpage!
Only downside of having a dog is that you have to walk him at least twice a day (your nanny can do that too), they cost around 1000 euro (but that’s nothing, compared to a new Ferrari) and you have to pick up his shit in the streets (or just go to the ghetto nextdoor and let your dog shit there). Good luck with finding one!
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Girls during Grand Prix IFBB in France

Jennifer Anniston

The time that skinny models dominated the catwalk is over! Hips and tits are in! But next to the trend of the hourglass figure, stand the trend of women with muscles. Aspecially populair amongst woman above 30 years, who want to stay in shape.
Bikini Bodybuilding is a sport where it’s all about stong woman, but with female forms. But not everybody has to look like a bodybuilder, as proof stars like Jennifer Anniston and Cameron Diaz. And they are not they only celebrities with a sixpack! They work out, eat healthy and thus stay young, without a lot of plastic surgery.
So girls, forget about the anorexic bitches of before, work out and show of your forms!!
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